Milestone Assisted Living Program (ALP) is a non-profit, government-funded program to support and service all Milestone Senior residents (55+) with programs in the community.  These programs are planned and run by a Coordinator (Ariel Olipra) to promote safe, independent living and connect others.  The Milestone ALP office and coordinator are conveniently located in a low-cost senior independent living facility called ‘The Carrington Court.’

Some of the ALP programs include; Leader Trained ‘Forever… In Motion Exercises, group walking outdoors in the summer, garden tours, outdoor games and indoor games, and indoor walking at the rink in the winter.

ALP creates and publishes ‘The Town Crier, ’ which updates the community on town events and information.  This free paper to any senior Milestone resident can also be sent by email.  ALP also provides information for support systems in Health and Home care contacts.  We Facilitate connections with health care professionals (i.e. organize vaccine clinics and schedule footcare appointments with a local professional).  ALP has Volunteer drivers scheduled to provide rides to appointments.

Milestone School is another ALP contact through ‘Bridging of the generations’ connecting seniors and Gr.4s to create and learn with one another, often engaging local grandparents with their grandkids through seasonal crafts and gatherings.

Regular recreational programs include movie afternoons and BINGO hosted at the court.  Annual events such as; Twinkle Tour in the winter to view the lights around town, New Year’s Celebration and Spring Prom hosted at the Masonic Hall.  Day trips for special outings ex.  Ogema Train Ride.

These are a few of the many things Milestone Assisted Living Program has to offer seniors in our community.  New programs are continuously being developed.  If you want to contact the Milestone ALP coordinator for more information, the office number is 306 436 2055 or email



ALP’s location is 324 Carrington St., Suite #5, in Milestone, SK.


Carrington Court provides low-income housing to seniors.  Saskatchewan Housing owns it.  If you have any questions, please get in touch with Joan Moorhead at (306) 436-2259.


For Seniors, the Drop-In Centre provides fellowship, entertainment and activities.  It is located at 107 Main Street.  For more information, please get in touch with Marcia Jones at (306) 530-3014 or visit Milestone Drop-In Facebook page to view the many activities and events planned.


The Government of Saskatchewan has a variety of beneficial programs and services available to seniors.  Click HERE for more information on these services or view the Programs and Services of Interest to Seniors pamphlet describing some available services.