Election Resources for Citizens Running for Council

On May 17th, 2023, a By-Election was held for One (1) Councillor position for the Town of Milestone. The results of that election were as follows:
Candidate | Votes |
BAKER, Colette | 10 |
ELLIOTT, Shawn | 16 |
FORD, Alyson | 14 |
GARRATT, Shannon | 66 |
MCKAY, Keegan | 21 |
The Declaration of Results can be found here.
Election Procedures for Municipalities
Election Procedures for Municipalities information can be found on the Saskatchewan Government website. This information is designed to help election officials and municipal administrators to carry out their duties and responsibilities during a municipal election but is also helpful to the general public. You will find information on all the legislation and Acts, elections and term of office, nomination day, candidate eligibility, and voter eligibility. Below are links to The Local Government Election Act and The Local Government Election Regulations:
Local Government Elections Act
Local Government Election Regulations, 2015
General Municipal Election Report – Election Cycle 2018-2020
The 2020-General-Elections-Report analyzes the 2018-2020 general municipal election cycle outcomes and outcomes in municipalities under 300 in the population (2016 Census).
Municipal Election Dates
General elections for each office are held every four years, except for Rural municipalities. Upcoming municipal election dates are:
- Wednesday, November 8, 2028, to elect the mayor and councillors in cities, towns, and villages.
- Wednesday, November 8, 2028, to elect councillors representing the odd-numbered divisions and the reeve in rural municipalities.
Residents may also vote in a municipal by-election to choose a new council member to fill a vacated office.
Running for Municipal Office
Can I be on Council?
To be eligible to be a candidate in a municipal election, you must be:
- 18 years of age on election day;
- a Canadian citizen;
- not disqualified from a candidate (as per legislation); and
- eligible to be nominated as provided for in Local Government Elections Act.
Interested in being on Council?
Anyone interested in running for Council should review the links below to familiarize themselves with the requirements and expectations of elected officials.
- Government of Saskatchewan Running for Municipal Office
- Government of Saskatchewan Information for New Municipal Council Members
- Government of Saskatchewan Municipal Council Member’s Handbook
Now that you have decided to run for Council submit your nomination papers to the Returning Office during the nomination period. The province legislates nomination deadlines which will be outlined in the Town’s Notice of Call for Nominations.
Who can vote?
To be eligible to vote, you must:
- be a Canadian citizen;
- be at least 18 years of age and one of the following;
- have lived in Saskatchewan for at least six consecutive months immediately before election day and:
- lived in the municipality (or on land now in the municipality) for at least three consecutive months immediately before election day; or
- be the owner of assessable land situated in the municipality (or land now situated in the municipality) for at least three consecutive months immediately before election day.
What do I need to vote?
On election day, you must provide proof of identity to vote. The best option is to provide a government-issued, valid photo ID that contains your name and address. Examples include:
- valid Saskatchewan driver’s licence;
- valid Saskatchewan ID card issued by SGI or any motor licence issuer; or
- any other valid government-issued photo ID issued by a Canadian government, whether federal, provincial or municipal or an agency of that government, so long as it includes your name and address.
If you do not have a valid photo ID, other options are available as detailed on the Government of Saskatchewan Voting website, or you can acquire a non-drivers photo ID from SGI.