Why does the Municipality need a Building Inspection Program?

A key principle of common law is that a Local Authority (municipality) has a “duty of care” to the people who live, work or travel through the area over which the Local Authority governsThe Construction Codes Act (the CC Act)  confirms this duty of care and gives local governments minimum standards and a framework for dealing appropriately with construction within their municipality to ensure the health, safety or welfare of persons.  Adopting building bylaws and appointing Licensed Building Officials greatly reduces a municipality’s liability should anything go wrong with a construction project.

Every municipality in Saskatchewan has a legal obligation to administer and enforce the building standards. Building standards include the CC Act and Regulations, the National Building Code of Canada, the National Fire Code of Canada, and municipal building bylaws. In 2019, Code requirements regarding energy efficiency were implemented by Building Standards in Saskatchewan.

What is a Development Permit?

Development permits relate to community planning, specifically, what can and cannot be done on or to a property.  It is the “what” and “where” of the building process.  Regulations for development are found in the 2005-05 Town Zoning Bylaw, which is regulated by The Planning and Development Act, 2007.

What is a Building Permit?

Building Permits relate to the construction of structures and are regulated by the 2023-02 Building Bylaw.  The Building Bylaw is regulated by The Construction Codes Act, as of January 1, 2022, and provides the legislative framework for applying construction codes.  The Bylaw is also regulated by the National Building Code of Canada 2020, which sets out technical requirements for the design and construction of new buildings and the alteration, change of use and demolition of existing buildings.

Please refer to our 2005-05 Zoning Bylaw and its amendments for further information regarding permitted, discretionary, and prohibited uses.  Zoning for all properties in town can be found on the Zoning Map.  Regulations for each district will be found in the corresponding sections of the ZB.

Development Applications

A Development Permit Application is required to build a new structure (larger than 100 ft2), move an existing structure, or for a new use (for example, change of occupancy) of a property. Applicants need to:

  1. Complete and submit a Development Permit Application.
  2. Provide a site plan (showing the existing and proposed buildings and distances to the property lines) and any other documents needed.

Please ensure ALL required documents are submitted to avoid delays. Incomplete applications may not be accepted. The council will review the application and either approve, approve with conditions, or refuse the development. Development cannot start before obtaining a permit.

Building Permit Applications

To make any structural changes to an existing building, or once a Development Permit is approved, a Building Permit application can be made.  The Town has contracted Professional Building Inspections, Inc. (PBI) to perform building inspections. Development and building permit applications and payments should be submitted to the Town office, not directly to PBI.

Permits are not required to build a fence, paint your house, or replace roofing materials, same-size windows, doors, siding, etc.  If you are considering bringing a temporary building (on skids) larger than 100 ft2 (example: seacan), you will require both a development permit and a building permit.

Building Permits may take up to 10 business days to process. Construction cannot start prior to obtaining a permit.

Please read the attached information and complete the required forms.  Paper copies can be returned to the Town office, or electronic copies can be emailed to



Moving or Demolishing a Building

If looking to move or demolish a building, you must apply for a Development Permit.  Complete and submit the Application to Demolish or Move.

When considering moving a building within Town or into Town, review the PBI Pre and Post-Move Inspections document and submit the Application to Demolish or Move Form. Note that if moving a building within Town limits, you will need the development and building permits (including post-move inspection). If moving a building into Town from outside of our boundaries, you will require both the development and building permits and a pre-move inspection.


The Application fees for Permitted and Discretionary Uses are in the 2023-02 Building Bylaw.

Building permit fees differ for each project and usually depend on the project size and the number of inspections it may require. Fees are determined by PBI when reviewing the Building Permit Application.